Training Manuals & Information resources

We have developed several manuals and information resources that are easy to read and improve knowledge in managing your agri-enterprise. The information in the manuals present the most effective way of doing things based on our experience as practitioners and additional resources from credible sources. Each manual includes images, photos and diagrams to improve understanding. The resources/templates for Agribusiness development are particularly useful  for basic assessment of your preparedness for entry into agribusiness. The manuals are available in soft or printed copy and are priced affordably. To get a copy place order by phone to 0706624605 or email:

Livestock production manuals

Dairy Farmers Handbook

This book provides well packaged comprehensive information on dairy cattle management under zero grazing conditions. The book covers all important areas including:

  • breeds,
  • shed design and construction,
  • artificial insemination,
  • infertility management,
  • dry cow management,
  • calf management,
  • heifer and bull management,
  • feeds and feeding,
  • animal health and welfare management,
  • production, value addition and marketing of produce.

The book is formatted in pocket friendly A5 size, and has a total of 52 pages. To enhance understanding we have included a selection of 3 images in black and white and six full colour images. You can purchase this book in hard copy at Ksh.700 or e-book version (to be sent by email) at Ksh.500. You can pay by MPESA and the printed book can be sent by courier.

Chicken Farmers Handbook

This book provides well packaged comprehensive information on Chicken Farming. The book covers all important areas including:

  • Breeds for layers, broilers, Kienyeji,
  • Chicken house design and construction,
  • Production management,
  • Feeding and nutrition,
  • Diseases management,
  • Economics and Marketing of produce.

The book is formatted in pocket friendly A5 size, and has a total of 39 pages, with a selection of 3 images in black and white and 2 full colour images. You can purchase this book in hard copy at Ksh.700 or e-book version (to be sent by email) at Ksh.500. You can pay by MPESA and the printed book can be sent by courier.

Crop Production Manuals

Passion Fruit farming Handbook

This book provides well packaged comprehensive information on Passion fruit Farming. The book covers all important areas including:

  • Varieties,
  • Environmental requirements,
  • Planting and planting materials,
  • Production management,
  • Pest and diseases,
  • Processing and marketing.

The book is formatted in pocket friendly A5 size, and has a total of 28 pages, with a selection of 62 full colour images. You can purchase this book in hard copy at Ksh.700 or e-book version (to be sent by email) at Ksh.500. You can pay by MPESA and the printed book can be sent by courier.

  Strawberry Farming Handbook

This book provides well packaged comprehensive information on Strawberry Farming. The book covers all important areas including:

  • Varieties,
  • Environmental requirements,
  • Planting and planting materials,
  • Production management,
  • Pest and diseases,
  • Processing and marketing.

The book is formatted in pocket friendly A5 size, and has a total of 28 pages. To enhance understanding we have included a selection of 62 full colour images. You can purchase this book in hard copy at Ksh.700 or e-book version (to be sent by email) at Ksh.500. You can pay by MPESA and the book can be sent by courier to any part of Kenya and beyond.


Agribusinesses Resource requirements 

Agribusiness can be profitable when smartly done. Depending on the type of business to be undertaken, there are diverse types of resources that become necessary. When venturing into agribusiness you need to carefully consider what resources are needed and compare that to what resources are available. Here is a FaCT Ltd quick guide on some of the resources required and considerations on each.  You can use this to assess your readiness for agribusiness. Agribusiness resources availability evaluation tool.

Critical stakeholders for success in Agribusiness

When venturing into agribusiness you need to know the diverse types of partners and stakeholders that you must engage and work with for business to thrive and grow. The type and number of stakeholders can vary depending on the commodity (e.g. crops may be fruits, vegetables, cereals, etc), livestock chains may be on milk, beef, eggs, etc and most importantly where the business is located in the chain ( e.g production, transport, warehousing, processing/value addition, marketing, etc). Here is a FaCT Ltd quick guide on  key stakeholders for agribusiness to consider.

Locating strategically in agribusiness value chain

Agribusiness can be profitable when smartly done. When venturing into agribusiness you need to carefully consider where (not physical location) – in the value chain to locate your business to thrive and grow. A value chain can vary in terms of actors and activities depending on the commodity (e.g. crops may be fruits, vegetables, cereals, etc), livestock chains may be on milk, beef, eggs, etc. There is a great number of businesses one could get into. Here is a FaCT Ltd quick guide on Key considerations for locating strategically in the value chain.